Saturday, August 28, 2010

Day 38: Toy in my Cereal

Today I found a toy in cereal. Seriously, I didn't know they still did this! I didn't notice the advertisement for it on the box when I bought some at the store today but when I opened up my box of honey nut cheerios (that and grilled cheese got me through college- no joke. Not cuz I can't cook, but I never had time to cook) out came this little toy. Not the best toy in the world though. They just don't make 'em like they used to...


  1. Haha. I guess I should have taken a picture of it out of the wrapping. It is one of those penguins from Madagascar (the movie and apparently tv show). You set it up on this snowboard thing and can launch it. It doesn't really work so well. lol
