Friday, July 23, 2010

Day 3: Baked Peaches

Ok, so I am aware that this is not the most interesting thing, but it's something that I've wanted to do for a while and we happened to have some peaches around the house (which also just so happen to be THE hardest peaches to get the pit out of. For real). So I figured it was time to Carpe Diem and make some baked peaches! My mom actually laughed at me when I said that this was today's blog post. "We need to get you a more interesting life." Thanks Mom, love you too.

Anyway, they didn't turn out too bad. I didn't have brown sugar (could have sworn I did) so I used regular sugar. I had to guess as to how much cinnamon and sugar and nutmeg to put on there. Also, the 15 mins was not even close for my oven (maybe due to too much cinnamon, sugar and nutmeg??). I had to end up putting them in for like 30 or 45, I can't really remember. So, basically, you're probably better off finding your own recipe! Enjoy! Oh, I also recommend a small scoop of vanilla ice cream with the peach while it's still warm. :)

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